Monday, August 8, 2011


Big June

-A Voice Declaring:
“Big JUNE!” the rise of the anti-Christ, unto the first resurrection saints on the map 05/02/2011 (see 1970, Elvis Presley, invasions on American soil)

A Voice Declaring: “May Trials,” the fall of peace and safety continually on the map 03/04/2010

A Voice Declaring: May trials, the number 17, 05/11/2011, my 17th prophecy link of 1998 was a dream about war on American soil, an enemy of Arab descent, A Voice declaring: “”Warsaw,” (see Sept 11th attacks, Warsaw Poland)

A Voice Declaring: “Number 17 and 18, 05/27/2011, my 18th prophecy link 1998 was a dream about war on American Soil, an enemy of Asian descent, an Asian invasion,

Seen to be seeing war on American soil, A Voice Declaring: “Epidemic,” my nineteenth prophecy link, 09/21/1998 (see outbreak, even outbreaks of wars).

And There Was Silence In Heaven 05/27/2011

Silence: Arise Sioux Noel Deburk,

-“No my question is how do you get used to eating out?” “I miss moms cooking so much, and just sitting down to a table with family, hello, we’re family, you know what I mean.” “All of us Medicine feel that way when first we come, yeah it’s called, home sick, it gets better, but I’m afraid it never completely goes away.” “So Sioux what’s with the silent treatment?” “What are you talking about?” “With much concern big brother you’ve been in your own little world, ---you said something Medicine when we were at the airport, we were discussing a failed prophecy namely December 10th 2010 and you was telling us it wasn’t failed at all.” “It came from Holy Spirits, even the Holies of Holies they’ve given me recently, how could it Sioux fail?” “We Sioux, all of us know whatever you, or Maaseiah through you tell us it isn’t just the imagination of your mind but its truth, spirit and thus this holiness of the Lord Father.” “Maaseiah described it as the end of nation building, that December 18th 2010 could mark the end of the kingdoms of men and thus nothing on this earth and beyond would ever be the same.” “Well Sioux you can’t forget this was off of a dwindling timetable of already unimaginable natural disasters given to her in 2001, whereas a complete end would be realized for the free world only eight years in, meaning 2009, so December 18th 2010 was overdue.” “Then as Medicine here pointed out the highly anticipated winter solstice eclipse of the Mayan prophecy happen only three days later, bringing on its heel even more cataclysmic natural disasters, yeah with a Big June pending, ---excuse me, no, us?”

The Intermission: The Human Herd

-I looked in a dream 08/12/2005 whereas I witness a massive evacuation herding American refugees by the hundreds of thousands along both sides of my home. Clearly I saw strangers, siblings and old acquaintances all being cattle along both sides of my house into the back of my house which is in itself strange, as my back yard is well fenced in.

-The right side of my house points east, the left side west, the front north, thus those being evacuated by the thousands were migrating from all points of interest South/East. In the direction most specialist and non-specialist say Americans most urgent exodus will take, toward a clearly barricaded extreme south.

-You ask what does it all mean? The end, the end of the world, or the free world as we’ve known it. The end not only because of abominable practices targeted by God’s wrath but because all earthly nations must decrease as the great day of Jesus Christ one thousand year reign hath come.

Silence: Standing Apache Arrow:

“On December 31st you guys, a few months after I was to forewarn of pending disasters surrounding tornados, with a rare New Year eve’s outbreak I heard a voice say six more months." "Of course we all know six months from December 31st, or the 18th is of course the 6th month, June." "I was waking from my sleep the other night, I’d only a couple months prior forewarn people about monster snow storms, rain/hail storms unto tornado and tornatic storms that were coming, of being separate from and lost of loved ones." "This particular morning I heard a voice say and I quote “A Big June, this is the same voice who’d a year before given me a word about May trials, just before the worse April and May of 2010 on record.” “Just prior to the worse year for natural disasters on record and now just prior to the six month time table, prophecy a voice declaring big June.” “Plainly you guys, with some of the worse natural disasters on record, with record breaking death tolls, what could a big June mean?” “Then a few days later a re-insurgence of May trials (tribulations) with the number 17 and a few days later still something even more remarkable, I saw a hand write ‘because of 1998, my prophecy link 17, 18, and 19 date back to 1998, (war on American soil, Arab/Asian invasions, epidemics), remember whatever didn’t happen December 18th (the end of nation building), was being reset so the speak for that following June of 2011.”

Intermission: With Celebrities Pulling Up The RearSilence: Marked Tree Hill

-“Right before the Japan quake I looked into a dream, one was about the Obama administration and something about Clinton being targeted, of course in the dream it was former President Clinton, when later I remember there is now a Clinton residing in the Whitehouse Hillary Clinton.” “There was again this, and this silly dream where you Apache was riding a bike, as so was there something about a paper route, when on the bike, at the handle bars was this soaring to the sky manner of funeral reef." "Of course like Sioux just described so much has happen since Feb. 18th 2011, I doubt we have to contemplate what this funeral reef represent, as so the bike riding." "Though it was confusing at the time, but now that Clinton has her invasion of Libya, and Bin Laden death I'm sure many Muslims want her dead, even America." "So Sioux what is the number 17?" "When I looked at our spiritual leader in the late nineties and I forewarn him how very soon America would be in wars, an enemy of Arab descent and immediately he thought I was crazy." "This was because of various nights I’d had dreams about war on American soil, one enemy Arab, one enemy, actually an invasion, was Asian, as so there was the word ‘Warsaw." "If you Apache remember correctly I never gave much thought to the two part word Warsaw, not until recently, its relationship to the cold war, Poland, and how eighty percent of it was destroyed." "That remind me Sioux, I’ve had mounting dreams lately about the white house, about the glory thereof being replaced by something even more glorious, and about a death toll totaling 15%, fifteenth percent of America’s population would be around 45 million people, I don’t know you guys, I just don’t know." "We know Saber tooth sadly, but regardless we know how in these end times millions of people will die." "Millions will perish when God judge Mystery Babylon alone, this shouldn’t be a surprise, it’s why all human being should be in Christ Jesus, that like Him, though they be dead, yet by his blood sacrifice shall they live." "No, death isn’t the anomaly here, Hell is, what is man, how foolish?" "That he would my brother's in Christ because of his stubborn unbelief wake up in hell?" “Wait a minute Marked tree doesn’t God through one of the prophets of old ask a question like that, wherein shall you die, or something like that?”

Intermission: The Death Angel, A Sharp Syringe

-In this dream of 03/27/2009, I witness how myriads in the country were sitting anxiously in front of their TV sets awaiting and participating good to horrible news. I always imagined it was like a scene similar to the Cuban Missile crisis and the entire country, make that the world nervously anticipating a war between America and Russia. Although just as soon as the worse news broke -I saw readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives of stampeding Americans. I saw those slacking behind were come upon by a death angel in the land who laid them back as to jammed a sharp, painful very large syringe into their chest, their heart. I saw how after this deadly execution how they end up as nothing but a brown paper Mache of a memorabilia to be hung on the refrigerator, beware.

Silence: Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth:

-“As recently as three months ago March, I looked in this dream whereas I witnessed the first lady Obama walking down Dunlap street, (done lapsed street.)"I remember standing in the door with you guys all around as we were all trying to get a look at the first lady of the united states walking down our street until the local authorities for safety reasons picked her up." “I went on you guys to have dreams about this most Special Couple of all like Jesus and the Church bride and they where taking precedence over the residing presidential couple (the Obamas).” “Then there was this time last year, there was something about a vicious, deadly, even demonic manner of resistance, about bomb threats, explosions and being taken captive, here on American soil.” “Did you say fifteen percent of America’s population is 45 million?" "You Sioux predicted long ago how the initial attack on her would instantly cause some 50 million people their lives.” “I know what has happen in this nation and the world the last couple of years in ways of natural disasters has been unthinkable, and for the first time in a long time this morning I broke down and cried.” “I mean immediately when I did I thought about the silence in heaven, Maaseiah’s Apache and John’s, how it’s going to be so horrific here it’s going to even devastate heaven.”

-“Although Saber at the same time people are going to be blaming heaven, thus how do they differ the love of God and the wrath of God?” “Is that Marked Tree a legitimate question?” “Yeah, I think it is, well in all reality they don’t differ, they’re both a result of the grace of God, one to save mankind from himself, second to same mankind from evil, from Satanic/Demonic and Religious rule.” “Herein emptying the planet of all resistance that God’s Kingdom will then reign anew, no blessed is our Lord Father on high, but gravely to be avoided is his terrible wrath." "This is Jesus admonishing us to watch and pray always, that we may be found worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." “I further believe again this is the Apostle Paul’s forewarning, reminding us how the Supreme One isn’t mocked, how so many people count the Supreme unending pause as slackness and even a weakness on the part of his mercy, but you’re to be caught in snares unthinkable if you don’t as well remember His judgment to wrath that will claim millions in this nation and around the world.”

Intermission: Escape!

Seen to be seeing readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives stampeding people on the map. Seen to be seeing those left behind getting a sharp, painful very large syringe to the chest, the heart, ending up nothing but a brown paper Mache on the refrigerator, beware 03/27/2009?

Silence: Lion Wolf Paw:

“So Medicine, to answer your question I’ve been this quiet as I’m to wrap both this mind of God, and especially this heart of God around the fact thousands are dead world wide because of disastrous events that will all pale in comparison to what’s right over the horizon.” “I believe it’s what described by some as an extinction Level Event, even the fulfillment of the sixth seal, but what’s to cause it, and how do you convince people it’s that ominous gnawing at the door, even the windows at this very moment that they just can’t put their finger on.” “All I know is just the reality of it make the exodus out of this country Maasieah has been seeing for the last two decades make more sense. Though will this exodus happen before 15% of this nation or this world’s population is dead, and how do you forewarn them.”

-“Though you Sioux know this isn’t about warning them, they’ve been warn for ancient of days, it’s about convincing them, and you already know these people have no reason whatsoever to believe us, any of us, yeah why should they believe our report?” “What if they didn’t have to believe us, what if they simply believe the word of God?” “You Sioux or Maaseiah are not on your own with this prediction, it has been predicted for the last, what?” “Three thousand years more or less, you and Maaseiah are simply trying to convince people the time of fulfillment regarding lets say the six and seventh seal, through to the seven trumpets and vials is unto fulfillment, right now, as we speak.” “I don’t know Apache, yes Sioux you do, and that is why you’ve been walking around here dead silent, something inconceivably cataclysmic as the destruction of mystery Babylon as recorded in revelation 18th chapter is about to happen as soon as a month from now.” “ Now you are dumbfounded at the very thought not of this staggering death toll but at the thought millions of people are going to be caught in beyond belief snares unnecessarily, that my brother dear is what’s immensely bugging you.”

Intermission: I Will Laugh When Your Fear Cometh 05/04/2011

-I looked into a dream a week ago, in the dream I saw wrapped around the building lines at a local Easy Way, I remember being with my grandchildren, that when I saw one person in particular. This persistent unbeliever I started laughing, that all through the store I found the whole thing hilarious. Of course this dream isn't so much about this store, but the Easy way, the narrow way that Jesus spoke of that few would follow. This line was wrapped around the building and more because people are afraid, and are now searching after that supposedly good for them gospel of Jesus Christ. This is again why an Easy way store is displayed, that though few heed this truth, though like God’s form of righteousness, especially fruits and vegetables are good for you, for your longevity.

-Now the reason I found so much laughter here, first it wasn't me, but the Supreme Father being represented through me, you see most of these people were in this Easy way line (the narrow way, Jesus), not because of the sincerity of their heart, but because of their fear, that to save their lives. This is what the laughter, the mockery was about, how God promised to mock the unbeliever, to mocked those who've done nothing but mock his form of righteousness, how he's to again laugh when their fear cometh. This is what this long line was about, fear, not faith, very few of those represented here had actually apologized to God with sincere gratitude. Few had asked for forgiveness, even that they'd been deceived, that they were again sorry, forgive us Lord Jesus and reign in our hearts and minds accordingly.

Silence: Cheyenne Water Fall:

--“The prophets of old, to Jesus Christ, to the Apostles/Revelations of Jesus Christ, they gave mankind these astonishing warnings first and here at present the many days prophesied of Daniel that had to be fulfilled before these end time, before the antichrist reign, hello, we are it and every prophecy they’ve given you and Maaseiah for the last twenty-five years is proof positive.” “So, what is Big June?” “I know this is going to surprise you, but I never thought about it Medicine until you just asked, how big June for Maaseiah would be like or in comparison to Jacob’s trouble.” “Well you know great tribulation is based on Jacob’s troubles as he had to live with the alleged by his deceiving sons the horrid, horrid lost of his baby son Joshua being devoured to death by wild lions, well with Maaseiah she horridly lost a brother, a brother named Abraham, (see Father Abraham) but you guys nick named Big June, he’s been dead for years but she haven’t even to this point been able to live with it.” “So Maaseiah’s Big June is Jacob’s trouble, it’s then greater tribulation, it is as well the silence in heaven.” “The Supreme being long suffering toward us-ward not willing that any perish, how in the world will he be able to stand the horrid, horrid lost of millions of human beings?” “ I believe the silence there is his looking down upon millions in this nation and this world being overcome by the E.L.E. being described behind both the sixth seal and the fall of Mystery Babylon who Maasieah is convinced is the entire developed, political/religious world.” “That Sioux would explain why just recently she was told how very soon the church could be in heaven looking down upon the earth, praying for the tribulation saints as the anti-Christ is given power to overcome them.” “So you Sioux have no doubt Big June will have the potential to be a literal extinction event, I mean we know mankind won’t go extinct, with millions ascending to heaven, but we also know once God’s wrath is poured out on this earth it will in no wise be anything as it is in present day, with millions, even a billion dead, that it’s going to take a creative God almost like in the beginning of Genesis, to make it all livable again.” “Saving mankind from himself, then saving mankind from the wickedness of this world, I can’t shake that.” “Just remember Apache, mankind fight this never ending, never victorious battle against flesh and blood perishing his fellow man unnecessarily, what a heinous delusion. Truly when the real, true eternal victorious war is the Spiritual battle Only Christ and his anointed can win, as by His bloody cross have won, as they’re called, chosen and faithful, reigning with this Holy Lord forever.

Intermission: For The Time Is At Hand

-“This is how the Holy Spirit explained it to me only moments ago, how when the prophet Daniel was shown, taught and forewarn of end-time events, it was then told him, to seal the book. To as well close up these extraordinary events as the fulfillment of said things wouldn’t be for many days, it’s been about 2,500 hundred years., a time, times and a half, how knowledge would increase. Now when the Apostle John the beloved was shown, taught and forewarn of end-time events, the revelations of Jesus Christ some 500 years after the prophet Daniel he was instead told to open the book, for the time was at hand. Now we’ve always taken this statement to mean, the time of fulfillment was at hand but we know this wasn’t factual as 2000 years plus has expired and the final week of years regarding the fulfillment of all prophecy yet remain.

-Thus Jesus was in all comparison describing how the time of reveal, or revelation was actually at hand, that everyone who read the revelations of Jesus Christ would no longer walk in darkness but would have the light of life, revelation and eternity. Now when this end-time apostle, ie. Apostle Bradford was shown, taught and forewarn of end-time events she was then told (Gabriel May, 2004) how its fulfillment was now at hand. Henceforth Daniel was shown and told to conceal, John the beloved was shown and told to reveal, this end-time apostle they call me was shown and told to fulfill. This is why this month of June is so tremendously important, this month of June will be the 7000th anniversary of Noah’s flood. It will as well be the 2000th year plus of the prophet Isaiah crying aloud, sparing not, how the righteous is to be taken out (the great gathering of saints) of the evil to come.

-It will be the 25th anniversary of Jesus appearing into the heavens to me, telling me three times to come, it will be the 18th anniversary of the prophet Ezekiel seven years later opening three doors in heaven to me, showing me especially the preparation of the end-time laborers. Those unto the end-time harvest, that crying aloud just recently, thrust in thy sickle (God’s Wrath) and reap.” It will in term be the 9th year and 6 month anniversary of the intrepid dreams whereas world nations were given 15.10 years to by Jesus Christ Cross make an end of sin, repent, reconcile. Will it as well be the seventh anniversary of the various dreams and visitations to heaven given me regarding the great gathering of saints.

Silence: Medicine Bow Sign

-“We’re Sioux our loving big brother still waiting, what is Big June?” “If it’s to be the great catastrophe which is to exodus the whole of America, even parts of England, Europe, it’s possibly the fulfillment of the sixth seal. “Described behind the sixth seal is an earthquake powerful enough to uproot the whole planet, as so pull meteors from the heavens, to block out the sun and the moon.” “Now when you begin to question how an earthquake can reach around the planet, and even into the stellar heavens you begin to think this is more than an earthquake, perhaps a super earthquake.” “Thus I jumped on the communicator and I begin researching super earthquakes, only you can’t research super earthquakes without super volcanoes becoming your main search.” “A Super Volcano, ok, what is that?” “A super volcano has the potential to in hours do everything that is being described behind the sixth seal and more, it’s like this super earthquake and super exploding Volcano in one.” “You see you guys up until a few days ago I knew as much about super Volcanoes as you, which was nothing, and never had I considered what was being described behind the sixth seal was a cataclysmic performance of them both.” “Though once you begin to research one and the potential that it too can be an extinction level event then the foggy mirror begin to get a bit clearer.” “A Super Volcano eruption with the help of super earthquakes can have the overall power to greatly decimate human life, planet life and animal life from this planet, it can in hours kill millions of human beings and displace millions, upon millions of more.” “We all know through our studies what ever is to destroy the modern world, mystery Babylon as we’ve known it, a super earthquake, a super-volcano, a super nova, a super asteroid, or even a supersized nuclear attack it will have the potential to destroy in hours what has taken mankind hundreds of years to build.” “There are some scientist who believe a super volcano is twice more likely to happen than an asteroid or a meteor shower, though we know according to biblical prophecy, those are to happen as well.” “So you been this quiet as you’ve been giving all this a whirl through that prophetic head of yours, well Lion Paw in these most pressing times of mankind we’re suppose to remember what the Christ said to the disciples.” “How he reassured them, how they’d not chosen him, but it is he, this Christ Lord who’d chosen them, it’s not of any power, knowledge or divine intervention of my own. I know these things, as the prophets and Apostles before us only that these things are given to us from the Prince of Peace who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood.”

Intermission: And There Was Silence

-It was Thursday the 26th for the first time through CNN online, did I get to see up close and personal what Joplin Missouri had suffered. Of all the mammoth disasters I’ve seen, especially lately, as there’s been like this worldwide outbreak, I couldn’t sake the amount of crushed, twisted and snarled automobiles, it seem as though there where hundreds, even thousands of mangled automobiles. I remember Anderson Cooper declaring how he remember one word or one thing in particular, how the surviving residence all discussed how silent everything and everyone was all around. Although I’d seen much of this unthinkable disaster unfold while watching the weather channel this was the first time I’d actually viewed various testimonies of family members regarding either the temporary or permanent lost of loved ones, especially children.

-I cried, I broke down rather immensely and I cried, you see the saddest thing of all isn’t that this dreadfulness happen, this is a horrible place we pretend is a happy home away from home (Heaven), though the fact so many people where caught unaware. Those of you who read behind this apostle and though many of you won’t admit it, before it happen to you, or us, it happens in my dreams and visions and visitations to heavens. As well do you know I waste no time bringing, these forewarnings right to you, remember one of many the forewarnings I gave the end of last year how Holy Spirits forewarn how you wasn’t to let the sunshine fool you (see 17/7, Noah’s Flood). At any rate taking from this master disaster this single word silence, and an event tearing my heart straight out I was soon reminded of the silence in heaven.

-This single stillness the Apostle John describes experiencing behind the seventh seal, this gripping hush he described as lasting the space of half an hour. Without frankly relating the two, I myself experienced an alike silence in heaven, I was in my closet praying, the Holies of Holies had revealed themselves to me in this ways quite remarkably. Though this particular morning there was a very visible, even attentive stillness there and just as soon crying, weeping and wailing. As so again out of all this wailing a voice, the voice of the Holy One of Israel, crying aloud, sparing not how his people were dying, how they were being stripped of everything his Christ had given them, behold he declared further, he would strip their leaders, leaving them in the day they were born.

-There’re biblical scholars who’re to say this silence John testified of possibly regard the paradise of heaven displaying mouth gaping, tongue tying awe at the unparalleled manner of cataclysm performing themselves on this planet, claiming millions upon millions of human lives. All with the holies of holies crying aloud blessed are the dead which die is the Lord, that they might rest from their labors and their works do follow them”. This made speechless then of John the Beloved, that of This Apostle the year of our Lord 1996 and that noted for historical records namely Joplin Missouri, all represent a mind boggling, heart crippling and gripping manner of peace just after and as so before the storm. Before the most catastrophe outbreak of this bringer of death of them all, one that won’t simply see hundreds of thousands dead, but millions dead instantly, with millions of deaths and injuries to follow. An inconceivable desolation to existence on this planet whereas we hear Holy Spirits crying aloud, sparing not, “behind this May trial of 2010, that has claimed thousands where they sit and have their beings, though these selfsame spirits now cry a pending, Big June, 05/02/2011.”

Prophecy Links

A Voice Declaring:
Seem to be glancing out into a beautiful sunny, Sunday morning, see to be hearing a voice declare: "I will bring it all to waste," the fall of mankind kingdoms continually on the map 01/04/2009

Silence: Sioux Noel Deburk

“So discovering all of this has been nothing less than coincidental, I went from researching big June, to researching the sixth seal, to researching super earthquakes, then to super volcanoes and not belong I was clicking on a movie entitled Super Volcano.” Super Volcano 2005 Is this impressive documentary depicting what would happen if Yellowstone Park erupted, ---2005, isn’t that the year you witness masses of people, no American refugees being moved out of the country along both side of your house, South?” “Yes, I’d watched the footage twice Apache before I realized that, but yes, and I like you wondered what a twist of fate.” “This movie is described as a true story that haven’t happen yet, soon I’m sitting in front of the communicator watching this extraordinary scenario unfold not realizing for the life of me this country had the potential to be in such peril directly.” “ After watching the, ---wait a minute, you’re saying Yellowstone is a Super volcano that has the potential to be everything that is described behind the sixth seal, it’s not Cheyenne what I’m saying but what research the last few days has shown me” “I didn’t chose Yellowstone, it chose me, it choose to reveal itself to me and yes it sit like a sleeping giant, beating heart and all with a potential to destroy not only this nation, but this world as we know it.” “It’s possibly why Maasieah has seen so many exodus out of the one nation in this world, described as the greatest country in the world, how Canada, nor Mexico would be safe havens, but to get as far southeast as the Atlantic ocean itself.” “It’s Apache, what about the death rider?” “It’s a climatic judgment of God, this bringer of death, it’s to destroy everything mankind worship as lives, lands and churches, and the earth itself is suppose to open right up and let it have it’s way allowing it to go forth conquering and to conquer.” “Eah, eah, eah”, as one through this annoying sound motioning a time out sign toward them was all of these world disaster scenarios taking their toil. “What the heck is happening, I mean is this for real?” ”Ah come on Lion Paw, no you guys come on, do you know how close our parents live to this place, and do you know you’re predicting not only a few days from now America could be destroyed from the globe.” “No Lion we’re not talking about America’s destruction, but the destruction of the wicked that’s been prophesied for the ancient, a huge part of which is defined under the title, the American Dream, ok, that’s fine and dandy, but hello we’re in France, what you guys is predicting is possibly why we’re in France but mom and dad and others of us are in the US of A.” “We understand that Lion, but the supreme’s hand isn’t short, he know how to both keep and rescue His anointed, right?” “It’s possibly Apache why you made believe a national and world Exodus out of the free world in your fictional work by mega ships on water, everything else would be immobile by large plums of Ash.” “I can’t believe it, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming right, a super volcano, even an ELE?” “Well Lion Wolf it has all the probabilities, and you think that’s big June?” “I don’t know, but what’s Medicine larger than any of the last mega disasters together, and why would the Supreme continue to prolong this thing, why?” “This earth has been sighing and crying and mourning forever, it’s what the 5th seal is all about, whose burning, steeping cries has reached unto the father screaming and bellowing how long O Lord doeth thou not?” “Just ask yourselves, all of you, why would the supreme tarry?” “I can’t say, but recently as I was kneeling to pray I said something to the Supreme Father I never have before, I told him I missed him, and, and I asked him whether or not he missed me, us, the church bride as well, how he must be really anxious to bring us home.” “I’m not Medicine at all surprised, we’re nearer to home, to heaven than ever before, there is this constant jubilee going on, in our very blood aching you know.” “When you think of the prophets of old, even the Maya, even the Egyptians, I mean isn’t this why the Maya abandoned everything because they knew an end hath come and here we are thousands of years later, how do we know Sioux it’s now, that it’s right now?”

Done Lapsed Street:

The importance of Dunlap Street, to be honest mankind's end-time idolatry had peaked, had budded, as so had God's wrath, the emphasis being on end-time. Just imagine if I’m to rewind my life back to the beginning, then the beginning of my life story would begin on Dunlap street. It’s where I died yes, but it also where the Supreme father by Christ’s bloody cross brought me again to life.” “Thus it wasn’t were I was born, but where I was originally reborn, it is where I meet with my own manner of messenger of Satan trying to kill me, (severe head trauma) that would instead be used to buffet me along God’s will for my life, death and resurrection (ascension on the high) and nothing would be the same. No where I was born and raised is only a few miles from where the spouse are buying our first home at present, it’s been fifteen years since we last lived in the area. A few miles from where the locale in which the Intrepid dream making an end time, timetable for nation building by December 18th 2010, unto a complete finality of wicked reign by 2016 was all staged.

-In the year of our Lord 1995, 1996 I looked into a dream whereas the whole of America was in more than an evacuation, though we’ve had our share of those. No in this dream it was all clear what had the masses running for their lives was an exodus, thus as the people all around me where running at panic as so was I. Then when suddenly I ran upon an area familiar to me in my youth, it was Dunlap street and the duplex my family and I lived in, seeing this place I detoured from this all out panic. When instead of running for the front door, I run to the back of the yard, not just to the back of the yard but to a certain place there, it was where a bouquet of the most astonishing pinkish white floral broke out of the earth and rose up to me.

-I remember how this was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, citing the word beautiful, on one side of these amazing flowers was a fold, beautifully embroiled, beige handkerchief and on the other side something dark, not dark in evil, but dark as in mysterious, (like great Is the mystery of godliness). Just as soon as all of this was realized I turn again, found my way again and began again along this or into this obvious exodus. What sprung forth from the earth that day was representative of what’d been sown into the earth of mankind, a readied harvest, a time of sorrow and a time of mystery that had all imploded into this outright run for your life and for the lives of the ones you love. Obviously for the great day of the Supreme’s wrath hath come and who beside the anointed of the Lamb’s blood shall be able to stand?

-Thus looking into a vision only a month or so ago whereas a perilous, seeing confused Lady Obama herself was on Dunlap Street (done lapsed) street simply mean a time of fulfillment regarding this prophecy, the end of America is upon us. That the entirety of this world has been sitting on a virtual time bomb, prophetic no less but one having various names, ranges and extinction potential with power to claim millions, even billions of people instantly. A cataclysmic reduction to rubble of this entire nation and world ushering in the forever reign of the Kingdom of God, where he and His Christ shall administrate forever. There has beyond this truth regarding a calamitous end to nation building never been any hope for mankind other than Christ’s cross, this forever bellowing crying, wailing unendingly aloud remember from whence thou hath fallen (God’s grace) return and do the first works, repent,(Christ Cross) behold this Holy Lord Stand at your hearts door repent while it is yet day, for the night cometh where all are scattered afar and wide to desolation.

Cheyenne Bow Sign:

“So we’re to understand Cataclysms is happening and will continue to happen more so now than ever as God is to bring end time judgment upon the workers of iniquity.” “The workers of iniquity consist of all those unrepentant by Christ’s cross in the Supreme’s sight, there are many people who claim to worship God not realizing this is only possible. “That’s worshipping God according to his form of righteousness is again only possible by Christ Jesus entering into the holy place and offering up not the blood of animals but by his own blood hath he gain redemption for all condemned from birth mankind.” “Though we Cheyenne, we’re not appointed unto his wrath but to the Lord Christ promise that he’s to come and receive us unto himself, that where he is we maybe also. This will then you guys explain the literal intermission recorded right after the most unpronounced performance of God’s wrath ever imagined, this world wide, earth and heaven shattering event again crying aloud for the great day of God’s wrath is come and who shall be able to stand.” “It is here the four winds are pictured being held back by angels and being commissioned to hold themselves back as well, I believe it’s here two separate events are being recorded.” “The sealing of the 144,000, the same window in which the Church bride will be taken out, as so the tribulation saints, an event I believe will transpire some time later, Maasieah think the same window used to gather the two witnesses who’ve been killed by the antichrist. Whose bodies left in the open streets three days, that when they’re risen again to life and heaven, that the tribulation saints will be taken out of the earth as well. Thus Big June could be representative of both of these events, the great gathering of saints, unto a literal ELE that’s to bring an end to the world yes, but especially to the free world, Mystery Babylon, the entire modern/commerce, political, religious world.” “It will in fact be the overall fulfillment of Jesus overthrowing the money changers table, crying aloud sparing not, make not by fathers house a house of merchandise, destroy this temple Saber tooth and for all eternity it shall be rebuilt.”

And Look Up!

I’ve spent many years trying to figure what it all meant, the moment I looked toward the heavens, right into a mid day sun, a midday sun that started to brighten. To as well grow and enhance and marvel and amaze right before my eyes, right there in my presence. Coming closer and closer transforming, metamorphosing and making this astonishing adjustment into a gigantic diamond cut, crystal dove. One a million times the size of a regular dove, it ascended down, out of the heavens to me, that’s come into to me as to kiss me and ascended straightway again into the heavens. Just before this untellable event happen, I was leaving horribly cast down from what was supposed to be a penny-store, a penny store that had been transformed into a fancy grocery, even a restaurant pleasing to the eye, I nor the pennies in my pocket could afford.

-I figure this would be a stage in my life, how I’d lived most of my life at the poverty line, how I live this life at present like so. Though a mightier than all this earth’s wealth, power and overall celebrity, even spirituality, a spontaneous converging rescue was not only come, but had in all heavens reality come. This divine grace, mercy and eternal facilitator, this indescribable for all dispensations to come, and all that’d passed help. An astronomical manner of mercifulness and adoration, even dedication, what an unspeakable partiality so miraculously beyond all things on this planet, this too wonderful for words ascension to heaven (the great gathering of saints), yet was it only a hint of how gloriously unutterable the very paradise of God.

-Only as I write this have I come to accept this larger than heaven and earth event can only represented one thing, because only one things descending down from heaven since Christ’s cross can be this astronomically beyond the universe and earth, the great gathering of Saints. When the Christ Lord himself shall ascend from heaven, with purpose to bring his anointed home to him, that only a diamond, cut, crystal like dove a million times the size of anything mankind is to ever imagined, one designing itself out of the sun of God, as it is the one Sun-life of God. Then it’s indicative of the Christ Lord I saw in the heavens as a form of this event beyond description twenty-five years ago. That just as Holy Spirits encourage my spirit so cast down to simply look up, and although I saw this Holy Lord looking down after me, three times commissioning me to come, at first glance only to realize it years later I saw him, this holy Lord in a glory no man except by God’s grace can draw nigh unto, praise the hallelujah Lord.

Silence: Lion Wolf Paw:

-“So Sioux our brother only one question, what make Big June the one, the one greatest of all?” “Well Saber you can’t forget Big June isn’t the most unthinkable forewarning I’ve gotten, and remember although I belittled it, it was first forewarn of me the last of December as what would follow or all the more promote the end of nation building, resulting in the anti-Christ reign. No two of the most eye opening prophecies was the one whereas I was fore how the antichrist would kill millions, upon millions a millions go broke, as so an alike voice describing how God said he would kill millions. Just you guys remember 2010, the same 2010 given as this nation and world deadline was being described as the worse for natural disasters on record with a quarter of a million people dead.” “With the new year 2011 coming in or opening with one of the largest and deadliest earthquake/Tsunamis on record, could be the two big ones I was told was coming. Now according to Holy Spirits something even more extraordinary was about to happen, the majority of the intrepid dream calendar, like so many other time tables that has been given one or more of us, even Maasieah all you guys expired, even Gabriel’s forewarning is seven years expired. Look the Supreme Christ has already forewarn how like in Noah’s day, it would be in these end days, people refusing to be forewarn, though this didn’t stop this Christ from given this mankind his revelations. So this isn’t so much about making people hear us nor believe us, that’s literally impossible, like always they’re to be forewarn, and be blessed when they read, hear and believe.” “These dreams about us being under attack, the church bride, that’s kind of concerning, concern Cheyenne yes, but just as much a part of end-time prophecy, the church, the more God’s wrath is realized on the earth, the more the believers will be prosecuted and persecuted, Jesus forewarn of this, yeah, it’s why the Holies of Holies cry aloud, sparing not blessed and holy is he having part in the first resurrection: on whom the second death hath no power, but they shall be priest of God and of Christ, and they shall reign with him a thousand years.” “That little brother was completely astonishing.”

Jeremiah’s Lamentation 4:4-6

-The tongue of the sucking child cleaveth to the roof of his mouth for thirst: the young children ask bread, and no man breaketh it unto them. They that did feed delicately are desolate in the streets: they that were brought up in scarlet embrace dunghills. For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.

Prophecy Links

There's something about New York, about New York and a head wound, a violent blow to the head on the map 03/12/2011

There's something about H1N1, bird flu or outbreaks again on the map 03/12/2011

For Salvation Pray:

I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening To: Selah: How Great Thou Art

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory

A Ministry Above

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